Our Core Beliefs

Our Core Beliefs


We believe every woman has the right to be treated with fairness and dignity. We trust each other implicitly, confident in the knowledge that we are all working towards the same goals. Equally, we hold each other responsible and accountable at all levels of the organization for the outcomes of our actions. We will be bold, clear and kind in our communication with our colleagues across the organization and not allow disrespectful behavior to go unchallenged.


We see every day the strength of women survivors and their ability to never lose hope despite having faced the greatest atrocities and horrors in a family. They inspire us to stay strong, hopeful, focused and committed to our global purpose. We support each other to do the same.


We will never communicate in any way that exploits or demeans the women we exist to serve, we will deliver a program of training that   maximizes the impact for the women we serve to bring them the biggest benefits and facilitate the greatest long term positive change in their lives. We do what we say we are going to do, when we say we’re going to do it. We act as good stewards of the organization’s resources.